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HomeNewsCBD in Smoothies and Food, Illegal in Nevada says Southern Nevada Health...

CBD in Smoothies and Food, Illegal in Nevada says Southern Nevada Health District

As marijuana based products continue to become more and more popular, several restaurants and cafes in Las Vegas have started to add CBD to their food. For individuals exclusively interested in pain alleviation, CBD oil offers the healing power of marijuana without the psychoactive effect of THC. However there is one problem: it’s not legal in Nevada.

According to Larry Rogers, REHS, an Environmental Health Manager with the SDNY, “Currently, the SNHD considers the use of CBD oil into food an adulterant. As such, facilities are not permitted to introduce CBD oil or other products containing CBD into their foods. If food products intended for ultimate human consumption are noted on an inspection or during a complaint investigation, appropriate regulatory action is taken. The SNHD’s stance on CBD-infused products mirrors the FDA and our neighboring Health Authorities in Nevada.”

What’s the problem exactly?

1.         Most of the CBD products are not food quality, as they are manufactured under dubious means to get around national marijuana bans. Additionally, th oils and often the distillates that are used, are not approved for food, and have never been tested for consumption. The cost of lab tests areexpensive are many of these products are being manufactured without any supervision.  The US Army has even published a study about CBD and other vape oils that are causing seizures, headaches, and nausea.

2.         Many CBD products are illegally over both federal and state THC laws and will show up on drug tests for employment. A 2017 study led by Bonn-Miller found that nearly 7 of 10 CBD products didn’t contain the amount of marijuana extract promised on the label. Worse, 20% contained THC illegally.

3.         Hemp and CBD products are now regulated by the 2018 farm act, which will put a future procedure in place to manufacture and distribute these products, with approval. Anyone currently selling may be violating federal law.

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