Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeEntertainmentWhy Republicans Are Opposing Joe Lombardo for Sheriff

Why Republicans Are Opposing Joe Lombardo for Sheriff

* In 2014 the Metro’s rank and file opposed Lombardo and supported Larry Burns. Lombardo won thanks to the casino money and the unions.
* Four years later the rank and file still do not support Lombardo. Why?
* Lombardo disbanded the gang unit and crime rose; four years later Lombardo says there is no strong hold of MS-13 in Clark County but soon after 10 murders are linked to MS-13 in the LV Valley in the last year and FIVE MS-13 members were arrested just this year.
* In 2016 Lombardo was the ONLY Sheriff in ALL of Nevada not to OPPOSE Question 1. It has been reported repeatedly in private meetings Lombardo supported the Michael Bloomberg groups that brought in $25 MILLION to pass Question 1.
* In 2017 Lombardo publically supported firearm magazine capacity another target for the anti gun groups. So he sided TWICE with leftist progressives.
* In 2017 Lombardo was scolded and threatened to lose funding if he did not cooperate with the Feds on illegal immigration; another leftist progressive slant for a supposed republican.
* Lombardo has not provided answers to TOO MANY questions on the October 1st shooting. He has fought against releasing information even after a court order. What is he hiding? Could it be the truth will hurt his campaign for reelection? If not, then release the court ordered information.
* Lombardo is a RINO

Isn’t it time the PEOPLE decided who will be Sheriff instead of the casinos?

Lets send a clear message that just because a sitting Sheriff has never lost reelection in Clark County does not mean it can’t happen. Let’s send the message to tell Sheriffs they work for the PEOPLE of Clark County not the casinos.

Lets send that message by voting for the ONLY qualified candidate that has a chance to beat Lombardo. The candidate that has lived up to his Oath as a Marine and in Law Enforcement, including command roles, the candidate that has relevant educational degrees and broad experience in law enforcement. Lets support and vote for Tim Bedwell for Sheriff to send that very clear message the casinos do not own the Sheriff.

Please be aware the more time there is the more that will come out about Lombardo. Lets not give him reelection on June 12th. He needs 50% + 1 vote. Lets send this to the general election in November. So vote Bedwell for Sheriff


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