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HomeNewsHow do Vegas Club Sites JackColton, VivaVegas.tv, NoCoverNightClubs and others compare?

How do Vegas Club Sites JackColton, VivaVegas.tv, NoCoverNightClubs and others compare?

Vegas nightclubs have become in many ways a new epicenter of Vegas life. People come to Vegas, often driven by celebrity DJs and a promises of a good time filled with the sexiest models on the planet. Part of that is a culture of electronic dance music, club life and series of websites that promise not only to get you the best deals but reveal the hidden life of club-goers.

We were curious how these sites compare: are they as big as they claim, do people actually visit them, and what are their audiences. I’ve avoided the big sites that are “all about Vegas” because while they are huge, and drive visitors, they don’t target the “club goers.”

One of the surprises I found was that VivaVegas.TV, which claims to be a large site for Vegas clubs, statistically has no traffic according to Alexa.com. That means that less than a few thousand people visit the site a month, making it almost invisible to visitors. It had a global rank of 7,166,854 and a US Rank of 4,061,064. To compare it, PaceVegas.com’ rank in the United States is 149,608. Any traffic that goes to the site is basically “by accident” with a few people dripping in from search, social media and other sources here and there. For all intensive purposes, the site is dead.

JackColton, recently taken over again by Jack Colton is doing well. Despite a crash at the start of the year, its been growing exponentially and is ranked as one of the top 100,000 websites in the nation at 67,582. Its exponential growth into the summer means that it will easily be one of the top websites about club for a long time coming. They get almost 22% of their traffic from search, with a great deal of the traffic coming from searches for beach clubs, and specifically looking for “Jack Colton” information. Their audience is almost all men, who are college graduates and one of the higher income levels of all the sites.

NoCoverNightclubs is a substantial site, bigger than JackColton – and gets over 50% of its traffic from search. It’s ranked 56,000 in the United States in traffic. They have obviously done a great deal of SEO and use that to their advantage to grow their audience based on that pattern. NoCoverNightclubs was originally a project between Jack Colton and Mike Kelly, which ended badly with some horrible accusations that the project was stolen. It’s a heavy male audience with a considerable amount of the audience college educated.

Discotech.me is an app that drives enormous amount of traffic to it’s partners via mobile. It’s also heavily competing with both NoCoverNightclubs and is ranked very similarly at 62,100 in the United States traffic wise. A whoping 65% of all its traffic comes from search, mainly focused on DJ searches in Las Vegas being the top search terms. It’s almost exclusively a male audience either in college, or graduating college with a younger profile of visitors than the other sites.

Electronic.Vegas is the biggest of the sites we compared, with an almost exclusive EDM, DJ focused audience. 50% of the visitors come to the site from search, exclusively on EDM music search terms and pool party terms. The audience is the youngest of the sites, and while there are college educated people, it has a lower household income and free spending than the rest of the sites. Also, like the others, its typically a male audience.

One interesting thing about all the sites was that their social media engagement was almost non-existent. While they had Facebook pages, all of them had almost no traffic, no engagement, no views. I compared it to our Las Vegas is Fabulous, which has substantial engagement – and found that they all had almost no visits. Some of the them literarly had no one liking the page week after week. They all really need to consider investing in social media, even if it means recreating their Facebook pages.

So to Summarize if you’re looking to buy media, work with a company to promote your product:

1) JackColton: Awesome audience, high income, very reputable owner and highly regarded. Great place to market high end bottle service, people who know their clubs and not just going for the music.
2) NoCoverNightclubs: Good audience, medium income, mainly search focused, reputation isn’t as good as JK.
3) Discotech.me, Mainly dance audience, club goers, younger less affluent income.
4) Electronic.Vegas: largest audience, youngest audience and the less affluent audience. Could be great to “fill” in a club.
5) VivaVegas.TV: Dead. Fork in it, nothing there. Waste of money, waste of time.

PaceVegas is the Publication of Everything About Las Vegas. Known for it's hard hitting exposes of crimes, the underworld and everything interesting about Vegas, it's won numerous awards from those who are scared to actually read the stories.

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