Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeNews82% of Las Vegas Police Reject Joseph Lombardo for Sheriff

82% of Las Vegas Police Reject Joseph Lombardo for Sheriff

With nearly 82% of Las Vegas officers not voting for Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, the official Police Union will not support and endorse the current Sheriff to be re-elected — with many members seemingly angry about how Sheriff Lombardo handled the October 1st shooting in Vegas.

In order for the LVPPA to give an official endorsement, it is required that 51% of police members cast a vote. According to numbers provided by LVPPA in the email, only 27% of the rank and file officers casted a vote, which suggests that majority of the rank and file officers in Las Vegas do not particularly like Sheriff Lombardo.

LVPPA President Steven Grammas said, “We did not reach the necessary 51% of the membership casting a vote in this endorsement. As such, and in accordance with the Bylaws, the LVPPA will not be endorsing any candidate in this election.”

Unfortunately for the Sheriff, his poor handling of the shooting has made him hated by the rank and file of LVMPD and nationally afigure of suspicion, nationally, and some say an absolute laughingstock within the LVMPD.

According to a LVMPD Detective, ” What is even more apparent is that the officers of the LVMPD who are LVPPA members have no confidence in their current leader. It will be telling to see if Lombardo attempts to use the endorsement of the LVPPA without the members voting. In 2014, he used the slogan ‘endorsed by law enforcement,’ which wasn’t true. Law enforcement overwhelmingly endorsed Larry Burns for Sheriff.”

Lombardo said he was “offended” at the criticisms he took for handling the shooting and even went as far to say “There is no conspiracy between the FBI, between LVMPD and the MGM. Nobody is attempting to hide anything in reference to this investigation. The dynamics and the size of this investigation requires us to go through voluminous amounts of information in order to draw an accurate picture.”


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