Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeReal EstateFive Most Disgusting Restaurants in Las Vegas

Five Most Disgusting Restaurants in Las Vegas

donaldbarfDonald Trump’s DJT
While it’s not the worst Hotel Restaurants on Yelp, it is one of the worst. The Donald’s DJT steakhouse was shut down in 2012 for some of the nastiest health violations, including 5 month old rotten duck being served to guests. Ignoring the fact that the restaurant had non-working freezer with food in it, we are amazed that the restaurant is even running, considering Donald’s hatred of Mexicans. As Anthony Bordain put it, every restaurant would shut down if we started deporting Mexicans. For some reason, making Steak Great Again, isn’t the Donald’s Motto.

Firefly Tapas Kitchen
Despite warnings for years that this restaurant was disgusting, hundreds of people got deathly ill thanks to what seemed to be absolutely no procedures to keep anything clean. Only a year later, another one of their locations was cited for also failing to follow basic sanitary conditions. Vegas Eater attacked the restaurant for months, forcing them to close down, making people wonder where they could get crunchy cockroach bits.  There’s no indication that their other restaurant, Tacos and Beer contains any “extra” ingredients.

Get some sweat in your burger

Dick’s Last Resort
Perhaps the worst food, and purposely worst customer service comes from Dick’s Last Resort, where the waitresses purposely treat you like shit. Yes, the shtick of the restaurant is supposed to be rude, and sarcastic, but in more than a few cases, customers were berated with racists comments, including one who said that the customer had more “Mexicans inside of me than a Hope Depot Parking Lot.” Another gay customer was told that “You’re not worth the AIDS.”

oCarlos’ n Charlie’s
This might be the only Mexican-ish restaurant in Vegas that is proud of being so horrible and disgusting. There is a sign in the front that warns all customers to lower their standards. There were at least half a dozen reviews on Yelp that asks if they could give it 0 stars. I call it Mexican-ish, because the only thing about the restaurant that is authentically Mexican is the name Carlos. Pretty much everything is fake Mexican, and the worst: enchiladas covered with pizza sauce, cold soggy and hard nachos, and in one case, servers refusing to serve people. VegasTripping had a really on-point review with real photos that show how absolutely nasty the food is. Quote: “This is the most digusting thing I have ever eaten in Vegas. Ever.”

Restaurants Served Candida Fries.

Heart Attack Grill
There is absolutely nothing whatsoever good about this restaurant food wise, and you’re more likely to die of some weird disease in my opinion, than actually of the food. They pretty much soak everything in grease as long as possible and hope that you don’t notice that the service sucks. Additionally, the restaurant seems notoriously unclean with reviews noticing their their bathrooms were disguisting. Even worse is the insistence of the staff that you dress in their weird gowns. As one reviewer put it, “This place is so bad, in every way, that it actually ruined an otherwise fun night out for me and some friends. The food is just plain nasty, and the slimy owner will, seriously, throw you out if you don’t want to wear the patient costume. Got that? You’re REQUIRED to wear a patient smock while you eat or be thrown out.”

PaceVegas is the Publication of Everything About Las Vegas. Known for it's hard hitting exposes of crimes, the underworld and everything interesting about Vegas, it's won numerous awards from those who are scared to actually read the stories.


  1. what a a ridiculous article written by someone with no journalistic qualities at all ot ethics, that is fine when you do not like a restaurant owner but to say Trump hates all Mexicans is a lie. Building a wall and deporting Illegals is not hating its securing the country and there should not be any illegals working at any restaurants. Illegals are not all Mexicans its not that at all.

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