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Six Vegas Influencers You Must Know to Do Business in Vegas

What exactly is an Influencer? An influencer is someone who is well connected and has an impact on other people. People who are influencers are regarded as being more knowledgeable about expert subject and when they give their opinion, others listen. In Las Vegas, influencers are extremely important as they help the industry of Vegas know what events are important, what restaurants are opening that are good, and where to send tourists and clients. Influences may influence consumers, other experts and influencers, or hold influence in different ways that are hard to understand– such as behind the scenes, or control major publications and social media accounts.

Here are SEVEN (7) people in Las Vegas whose decisions, opinions and likes make news and waves:

manny1Baller Brander Manny Kess
(702) 701-6003
Manny Kess is CEO of The Kess Group, a VIP and Event Services company that almost exclusively services some of the most successful and famous NBA, NFL and NHL stars. Viva Vegas TV easily named him the Best VIP Host in Las Vegas for 2015. You know that TV Show Ballers with Dwane “The Rock” Johnson, where he works with some of the top sports stars and lives the high live traveling everywhere? Kess has that life, except he is getting paid to make that life happen for SuperBowl Ring wearers. Why know Manny Kess? Whether it’s opening a new club or restaurant, you want to give him access in order that he might bring his clients there. A photo of SuperBowl Quarterback eating at your restaurant on Instagram can be worth the most expensive advertising campaign.

scott444Duke of Downtown Scott Roeben
While his official job is marketing for the Fremont Street Experience, Scott Roeben is also the owner of the enormously successful and award-winning blog Las Vegas blog, VitalVegas. This blog, which I have been informed does not take advertising, is one of the most influential and well-read blogs that covers everything in Vegas including the growing downtown area.  His podcast has launched him to a new level last year, and is well worth listening to, especially with in-depth interviews with business leaders.  How to Work With Scott? Email him about events, invite him, and more importantly, talk to him about what is going on.

dnYelper Grower Michael Uzmann
While his writing style may be annoying verbose at times, no one can deny that Uzmann is the most influential Vegas based Yelper. His full time job is a Medical Doctor, but in his “spare” time he shares his love of food from his travels around the world. With over 3,300 reviews on Yelp, he is a perfect example of an influencer of influencers, because his Yelp reviews are read by thousands of other influencial Yelpers who have connected with him, and it used as reference for many other publications when picking restaurants to review. How to work with him? Add him on Facebook and invite him to your restaurant. Be prepared to show him every single bit of food, because he doesn’t hold back.

k2Real Housewife of Las Vegas Amanda Kouretas
Former Mrs. Nevada America Amanda Kouretas’ full time job may very well be taking selfies, but all the fashionable and sexy moms of Las Vegas follow her, albeit with a sense of extreme jealousy. Proving that being pretty can be a career in the new online economy, Amanda Kouretas uses her wealth and impeccable taste in everything gaudy and glamorous to drive other socialites all over Las Vegas.  How to work with Amanda? Flash anything that shines, and send her an email about your newest product. She knows everyone in Las Vegas with money, attends the biggest events and makes sure everyone notices her. While she pays for her own Birkin bags, I’m sure she wont turn down free stuff in return for a mention.

John_CurtasRestaurant Pimp John Curtas
Since 1995, John Curtas has been the guy every one associates with eating in Las Vegas. He’s been on KNPR, is a regular on Wake up with Wagners, Top Chef Masters, Iron Chef America and publishes the essential guide to eating in Las Vegas. His feud with a famous chef made him a few enemies but was quickly forgotten by most restaurants and Chefs who appreciate his opinion and insight from 20 years of experience. Want to have him feature your restaurant? Email him and invite him to your restaurant at

maxresdefault (1)Entertainment Driver Norm Clarke While he’s officially the Las Vegas Review Journals Gossip Columnist, writing since 1999 about all the secrets of celebrities and locals, he’s also probably one of the biggest drivers of entertainment revenue in Las Vegas. What makes him so important is that almost everyone reads his column and has it bookmarked, and when he talks about anything anyone listens. How to work with him? Invite him to an event, add him on Facebook and become a source for anything juicy about Las Vegas.

PaceVegas is the Publication of Everything About Las Vegas. Known for it's hard hitting exposes of crimes, the underworld and everything interesting about Vegas, it's won numerous awards from those who are scared to actually read the stories.

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