Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomeEntertainmentBeauty Bar May Be Forced to Close After Illegal Behavior Cited

Beauty Bar May Be Forced to Close After Illegal Behavior Cited

Not good news for the infamous beauty bar, which reportedly has been forced to close its doors after being served an eviction notice Friday by the Plaza Hotel who owns the property.

The notice states the owners, Red Wolf Dead LLC. Beauty Bar, have three days to vacate the property. The landlord states multiple incidents involving police being called out, as to why the eviction was served. The notice also says that the tenant allowed lewd activity and disorder, along with disturbances that interfered with the quiet enjoyment of the neighboring tenets.

According to a bar manager working in the area, who wanted to remain anonymous, the place had changed since the new owner bought into it, with cheaper drinks and even a death metal and goth night — where he claimed people were now shooting heroin in the alley way near the bar.

The current owner of the bar is Corey Harrison, from the TV Pawn Stars — with recently, Roxie Amoroso, a veteran Vegas promoter who is now the managing member.

Ms. Amoroso told Fox5 through their attorney Steven Stubbs, that the Plaza Hotel, that the eviction is illegal, and will be challenged. Attorney Stubbs is best known for being the attorney for the Motorcycle Gang the Mongols

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