Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeEntertainmentVegas Strippers Accused of Living a Stolen High Life

Vegas Strippers Accused of Living a Stolen High Life

No, this isn’t your normal Las Vegas stripper story where three friends get drunk at strip club and decide that it’s a really great idea to spend their life savings on a woman they just met. It’s where three friends get drunk at a strip cub and then have employees of Club Paradise steal the cards and use them illegally. Using stolen credit cards from hundreds of victims, the ring of strippers and employees of the club are accused of buying at least $2 Million Dollars of goods. The list included things from Flat Screen TVs to Louis Vuitton Bags.

That’s of course why the police got involved, because what they did was extremely illegal.

Diana Giraldo
Diana Giraldo

Named in an indictment are Amy Rohr, Diana Giraldo, Chris Giroldo, Celeste Mohar and Cyndi Sellers. According to the District Attorney’s office there are at least 400 victims, but only 100 were willing to testify against the employees.

Three former employees, John Carcilli, Giovanna Chico and Bibi Rambharan already pleaded guilty last month in exchange to testify against the rest of the credit card gang.

Club Paradise was bought by an investor this year, although the former owner seems to still be involved in some management capacity.

PaceVegas is the Publication of Everything About Las Vegas. Known for it's hard hitting exposes of crimes, the underworld and everything interesting about Vegas, it's won numerous awards from those who are scared to actually read the stories.


  1. Actually previous owner removed all of his stuff from the venue and it’s under new management. House has been cleaned of previous BS.

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